Diary of a Wimpy Kid Wiki

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This wiki is an encyclopedia of the Wimpy Kid Series which was made by the author Jeff Kinney.

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Diary of a Wimpy Kid Wiki

The Xbox 360 is a video game console developed by Microsoft that appears in the Rodrick Rules and Dog Days film adaptions where it is shown to be owned by Greg Heffley. It was released on November 22, 2005 four years after the original Xbox. The Xbox 360 shown in the movie is the Xbox 360 S (Xbox 360 Slim) which came out in 2010.


Rodrick Rules (2011 film)[]


Dog Days (2012 film)[]

In an animated illustration Frank Heffley grabs Greg as he was playing with his Xbox to go outside to do something more productive. It was later shown in an another animated book illustration as Greg imagines playing video games with his love interest, Holly Hills.

The next day, Greg spends hours playing video games until his alarm goes off that signals Frank coming home. Greg went out into the sprinklers to make it seem like he was playing sports the entire time however he forgets to get out of Twisted Wizard which causes Frank to unplug his system.


