Diary of a Wimpy Kid Wiki

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This wiki is an encyclopedia of the Wimpy Kid Series which was made by the author Jeff Kinney.

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Diary of a Wimpy Kid Wiki

Eugene Ellis was the president of Larry Mack Junior Middle School's Student Council in The Third Wheel and also appears in the animated adaptation of Rodrick Rules.


The Third Wheel[]

During the election day of the Student Council, Eugene went up to the stage and gave a speech which consists of replacing all the school's toilet papers with Pillow-Soft Ultra toilet paper. He did not hand out lollipops or post posters to buy votes, so children didn't take his speech seriously at first. However, after his speech (which according to Greg, was only 30 seconds long), the children realized that they have problems with the toilet paper in the bathrooms so they voted for him and therefore he became the president.[1]

However, when he won, Mrs. Birch said that it would be too expensive to stock all toilets with expensive toilet paper[2], but Javan Hill found the teachers using the expensive kind. As a result, Mrs. Birch sets up a plan where kids can bring their own toilet paper[3], though this is short lived since the school starts limiting the amount to five squares.

During the brainstorming for a class fundraiser, he suggested that he will have a pro wrestling match in the gym while Javan Hill came up with the idea of motocross stunt show. But they couldn't decide which idea they liked better, so they settled on a mixed motocross/wrestling show. Eugene told the vice president, Hillary Pine to decide, she made a Dance Committee and they a few "small changes" to the original idea. Somehow the motocross/wrestling morphed into a Valentine's Day Dance. The guys wanted to change it back to the motocross/wrestling event, but Mrs. Birch said that they must respect her decision. Greg said that Mrs. Birch disagreed probably because she wasn't crazy with motorized vehicles in the gym to begin with.[4]

Rodrick Rüles (2022 film)[]

During act two of the Talent Show, Eugene beatboxes with his friends and Frank Heffley does it with them but stops when he sees he's embarrassing Grandpa.[5][6]


  • He could be related to Peyton Ellis since they both have the same last name, but this could be just a coincidence.




  1. The Third Wheel, pages 85-86
  2. The Third Wheel, page 87
  3. The Third Wheel, pages 93-94
  4. The Third Wheel, pages 101-102
  5. Rodrick Rüles (2022 film), 1:00:53-1:00:58
  6. Rodrick Rüles (2022 film), 1:00:32-1:00:34